Category Blog

Dealing with your Mouse Problem

Blog 19

Yes.  I know mice can be really cute!  That may be the case until you have to deal with them.  These furry critters often invade homes once the weather grows colder. They will gnaw their way through your home, leaving…

Bats In Your Belfry?

Blog 20

There are usually two problematic scenarios you may encounter with bats in your home: when a lone bat flies into a building, or when a maternity colony of bats roosts in a building.   The Lone Ranger Individual bats occasionally…

Wasp and Hornet Prevention

Blog 15

Wasp and Hornet Prevention   Complete Pest Solutions offers its clients the option to prevent Wasps and Hornets from nesting on structures within your property. Our program is unique in that we are treating areas where Wasps and Hornets will…

Stinging Insects & Allergies

Blog 22

Many of us, when asked, regard summer as our favorite time of year. Baseball games, picnics, family vacations and the like all contribute to the fond memories we carry throughout our lives. If you are like me, summer is when…

Five Places You Can Pick Up Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Extermination

Bed bugs are an increasing problem throughout the United States. They are definitely more common in homes and in businesses than they used to be. It is of utmost importance to know how to check for bed bugs. They can…