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What Kind of Centipedes Are in Ohio?

Centipedes are arthropods, like insects, and they have long, segmented bodies. 

They range in color from brown to red to green and can be found in a variety of habitats. Some centipede species are venomous, but the ones found in Ohio are not dangerous to humans. 

Read on to learn about a few of the many centipede species that call Ohio home.


Key Takeaways

  • Centipedes are a common type of bug you might find crawling around your wall or on the floor in your home.
  • There are many types of centipedes you might find in your home, like the house centipede and the soil centipede. 
  • Unless you have large numbers of centipedes in your house, these pests aren’t anything to worry about—most are not harmful to humans and are instead beneficial. 


House Centipede (Scutigera Coleoptrata)

While they might not be the most pleasant creatures to look at, house centipedes can actually be helpful around the house since they feed on small insects and spiders.

If you see one in your home, don't panic! They are more afraid of you than you are of them, and they will not try to bite unless they feel threatened.



The house centipede is easy to identify thanks to its long legs and distinctive markings. They have flat bodies and can grow to be anywhere from 1-5 inches long. They are yellowish-brown in color and have three dark stripes running down their backs. They also have long antennae that are almost as long as their bodies. 



As their name suggests, house centipedes are often found in homes throughout the state of Ohio. 

They prefer damp and dark places and are commonly found in basements, attics, crawl spaces, and bathrooms. They are also fond of hiding behind loose wallpaper, under piles of clothes, or in shoes. If you see one in your home, don't panic! They are more afraid of you than you are of them, and they will not try to bite unless they feel threatened. 



House centipedes feed on small insects, spiders, and other small pests. While this might make them sound like heroes, you should still try to keep them out of your home if possible. They can become a nuisance if they start reproduction inside your home because each female can lay up to 60 eggs at a time! 


Stone Centipede 

The stone centipede is a common type of centipede found in Ohio. These creatures are small, only reaching about an inch in length. They can be found in forests, fields, gardens, and other areas throughout Ohio but are most commonly seen in the southern and eastern parts of the state.



Again, stone centipedes are small creatures that only reach about an inch in length. They have 15 pairs of legs and are reddish-brown in color. 



Stone centipedes are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, fields, and gardens. In Ohio, they are most commonly found in the southern and eastern parts of the state. 



Stone centipedes are predators and hunt at night for their food. Their diet includes insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. 


Soil Centipede

The soil centipede is a common centipede found in Ohio. There are many different types of centipedes, but the soil centipede is one of the most common. 



Soil centipedes are black or brown and have segmented bodies. They range in size from ¼ to 1 inch long. Their bodies are flattened, and they have two pairs of legs on each body segment. Soil centipedes are predators, and they use their claws to capture their prey. They also have poison glands that they use to kill their prey. 



Soil centipedes are found in gardens, fields, and forests. They live in the top layer of the soil where they can find their food. Soil centipedes are nocturnal creatures and spend most of their time hiding under rocks or logs during the day. At night, they come out to hunt for food. 



Soil centipedes primarily eat small invertebrates and insects. 


Friend or Foe?

With its hundred legs and venomous bite, the centipede certainly looks like it should be avoided at all costs. But is this crawling creature really as dangerous as it seems?

Although a centipede's bite is venomous, the amount of venom injected is usually not enough to cause serious harm to humans. In most cases, the centipede's venom will only result in localized swelling and pain that will go away after a few days. 

However, there have been rare instances in which people have had severe allergic reactions to the venom, so it's important to be aware of that possibility if you're ever bitten by a centipede.

Aside from the fact that they help control populations of harmful insects, centipedes also play an important role in decomposition. By breaking down dead leaves and other organic matter, centipedes help to fertilize the soil, which benefits plants and other creatures that rely on healthy soil for growth. 

Although they may not be the most pleasant creatures to encounter, centipedes do perform some very important functions in nature.



If you're dealing with a centipede infestation, you're probably wondering how to get rid of them—and more importantly, how to keep them from coming back. 

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to deter these critters from taking up residence in your home.


Seal Up Cracks and Gaps

Centipedes can squeeze their long bodies through tiny cracks and gaps, so it's important to seal up any openings around your home. Check for cracks in your foundation, gaps around doors and windows, and any other potential entry points. Once you've found the openings, seal them up with caulk or another type of filler. This will help prevent centipedes from getting inside and will also deter other pests like spiders and ants.


Keep Things Clean and Dry 

Another way to prevent centipedes is to keep your home clean and free of moisture. Centipedes are attracted to damp areas, so it's important to fix any leaks around your home and dry up any wet areas right away. 

You should also regularly vacuum and dust your home to get rid of any food scraps or other potential attractants. Taking these preventive measures will make your home less appealing to centipedes—and other pests as well.


Use Repellents 

If you already have centipedes in your home, using repellents can help discourage them from staying. 

There are a variety of effective repellents on the market that use ingredients like mint, citrus, garlic, and clove oil to repel centipedes (and other pests). You can find these repellents at most hardware stores or online. Just be sure to follow the directions carefully when using them—you don't want to inadvertently harm yourself or your family members! 



Centipedes come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and can be found all over Ohio. Although they may look intimidating, they are not dangerous to humans. 

The next time you see one of these creatures scurrying around, take a moment to appreciate the fascinating world of centipedes!